Dear Stata list

My data has the following format:

input householdID    personID    personinHHID    personsfatherID
1001    5001    1    .
1001    5002    2    .
1002    5003    1    .
1002    5004    2    .
1002    5005    3    1
1003    5006    1    .
1003    5007    2    .

list, sepby(householdID) abbrev(20)

     | householdID   personID   personinHHID   personsfatherID |
  1. |        1001       5001              1                 . |
  2. |        1001       5002              2                 . |
  3. |        1002       5003              1                 . |
  4. |        1002       5004              2                 . |
  5. |        1002       5005              3                 1 |
  6. |        1003       5006              1                 . |
  7. |        1003       5007              2                 . |
I.e. the data set consists of households (householdID) with people in them (personID). People within a household are numbered consecutively (personinHHID), and a variable (personsfatherID) tells me that within-household ID of their father (if known). How can I create a data set that gives me a person's father's person ID, i.e. make the data set look like this:

     | householdID   personID   fatherID |
  1. |        1001       5001          . |
  2. |        1001       5002          . |
  3. |        1002       5003          . |
  4. |        1002       5004          . |
  5. |        1002       5005       5003 |
  6. |        1003       5006          . |
  7. |        1003       5007          . |
Thanks for your consideration