Dear Statalist User,

In a bioassay study I have four treatment groups denoted by A, B, C, D with 10 animals in each groups( a1,a2,......d9, d10). We recorded muscle contraction (y) at different concentrations (conc). The concentration - contraction curve can be described with a function in the following form y = (Bm * Conc)/(Kd+Conc). I think the treatment will change KD and I would like to get separate Kd estimates for each treatment group ( That is just want fixed Kd estimates for each group) .

Here is a snapshot of my data:

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int conc float y long(Id Group)
   1 -2.75 1 1
  10 27.33 1 1
 100 89.77 1 1
 100 90.64 1 1
1000 91.75 1 1
1000 87.74 1 1
   1 -2.26 2 1
   1 -2.79 2 1
   1  -.34 2 1
   1  2.27 2 1
  10 41.73 2 1
  10 76.82 2 1
  10 21.64 2 1
  10  27.1 2 1
 100 89.38 2 1
 100 95.87 2 1
 100 97.57 2 1
 100 79.16 2 1
1000  96.6 2 1
1000 83.13 2 1
1000 93.21 2 1
1000 78.69 2 1
   1 -1.33 3 2
  10 16.63 3 2
  10 29.54 3 2
  10  6.95 3 2
 100 81.19 3 2
   1 -1.69 4 3
   1 -4.43 4 3
  10   1.8 4 3
  10  1.62 4 3
  10  3.91 4 3
 100 96.91 4 3
 100 97.88 4 3
 100 98.28 4 3
1000 98.14 4 3
1000 99.58 4 3
1000 98.45 4 3
   1  -.99 5 4
   1  -.82 5 4
   1   .25 5 4
   1  -.77 5 4
  10  -.41 5 4
  10  1.11 5 4
  10  -.13 5 4
  10  -.64 5 4
 100 94.26 5 4
 100 95.38 5 4
 100 89.34 5 4
 100 75.41 5 4
1000 95.31 5 4
1000 79.85 5 4
1000 97.57 5 4
1000 97.85 5 4
label values Id Id
label def Id 1 "A1", modify
label def Id 2 "A10", modify
label def Id 3 "B10", modify
label def Id 4 "C4", modify
label def Id 5 "D3", modify
label values Group Group
label def Group 1 "A", modify
label def Group 2 "B", modify
label def Group 3 "C", modify
label def Group 4 "D", modify
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------

I try to get these estimates with menl:

menl y = (({b0}+{U0[Id]})*conc)/(({b1}+ i.Group+ {U1[Id]})+conc)
but I get the “invalid name i.Group” error message.
This is strange because this simple test code provided the expected output.

regress y i.Group

y    Coef.    Std. Err.    t    P>t    [95% Conf.    Interval]
B    -30.77945    21.90323    -1.41    0.166    -74.77339    13.21449
C    -3.698182    16.32571    -0.23    0.822    -36.48933    29.09296
D    -12.21483    14.5259    -0.84    0.404    -41.39097    16.96131
_cons    57.37545    9.425651    6.09    0.000    38.44348    76.30743

I am using Stata 15.1.

I would be very grateful if somebody could fix my code.

Kind regards,