Dear Stata users,

I want to conduct some cross-sectional analysis with data from the South African NIDS (National Income Dynamics Study)/household survey Wave 5.
I struggle with weighting and would be very grateful about help!

It is a two-stage sampling with stratification at the district council level. The dataset provides a design weight (correcting for nonresponse) and a post stratified weight (calibrating for sex, age, race).
My first idea was to process weighting by

svyset psu [pw= poststatWeight], strata(districtVariable) Now, I have two problems. First, the psu variable is not included in the dataset but in a secured dataset which I cannot access (tried to get in touch but does not seem possible). Second, it appears to me that I have to use another command since using a post-strat weight. I considered the following command: svyset [pweight=wt], poststrata(groupVariable) postweight(poptots) Nevertheless, I am not sure if I do understand the command correctly (also because the command considers just one calibrating variable): Do I just insert my sex, age and race variable as "groupVariable" and how can I deal with the population totals variable since such variables are not provided by the dataset? I studied all manuals and weight descriptions of NIDS (in former waves a psu variable is given) but couldn't figgure out a solution, how I am supposed to weight. In a documentation about cluster correction in the dataset, it says "we should at minimum svyset households as our “cluster” variable" but I assume this does rather refer to cluster as an stata option than as the psu. Would be thankful about any hint!