I'm trying to calculate the marginal effects of a Tobit model using the margins command instead of mfx, because margins is faster and mfx is a discontinued command.

Tobit models have 3 marginal effects, the marginal effect on probability at the truncated point, the conditional marginal effect and the unconditional marginal effect. For each one I used mfx with the following options

mfx            compute, predict (p(0,.))
mfx            compute, predict (e(0,.))
mfx            compute, predict (ys(0,.))
I am trying to replicate the results using margins, following the same order of marginal effects my syntax is as follows:

margins            , dydx(*) predict(p(0,.))
margins            , dydx(*) predict(e(0,.))
margins            , dydx(*) predict(ystar(0,.))
The marginal effects I get with margins are similar to those I get with mfx, but not the same. I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong option.
Any help is welcome, thank you