Hi all,

I am currently using a Qualtrics platform survey to measure the perceived social consensus across four different scenarios (i.e. What percentage of people do you believe find X to be acceptable behavior). Participants then use a slider bar to indicate anywhere between 0% (No one finds the behavior acceptable) and 100% (everyone finds this behavior acceptable). I would like to use a repeated measures ANOVA to test for a significant difference across the four individual scenarios.

While I do have a unique identifier for each participant, it is only listed once, rather than four times for each participant. So in the data editor, rather than have a column with a unique identifier four times, a column identifying a scenario, and then the score for each scenario (Image 1). I have a column with the identifier once, and then the four scores as unique variables in their own column (image 2).

Rather than having to manually move around the data in editor/excel, entering each identifier three additional times, and then creating a variable to identify each scenario score, is there a way stata can do an RMANOVA?

Obviously I can do the time consuming alternative, but was hoping for a quicker fix.

Best wishes,