Hello! I'm working with daily time series data with the date originally in the format "01/29/19" (string) which I changed to 29jan2019.

I want to use the tsline command to plot my 2 series- insys_growth and spy_growth for the date ranges 02mar2015 to 31may2017
I used the command
tsline insys_close spy_close if 02mar2015<=edate<=30may2017
but it keeps giving me an error 30may2017 invalid name (even though the date is totally there in my data).
I also tried using the inrange command
tsline spy_growth insys_growth if inrange(date, 02mar2015, 31may2017)
but I get the error "31may2017 invalid name r(198);"

A preview of my data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str8 date float(edate insys_growth spy_growth)
"1/30/09" 17927   .1988509 4.4167905
"2/2/09"  17930 .016529638 4.4137673
"2/3/09"  17931 .016529638 4.4277167
"2/4/09"  17932   .1988509 4.4228086
"2/5/09"  17933   .3530013 4.4375796
"2/6/09"  17934   .3530013  4.465678
"2/9/09"  17937   .3530013 4.4670568
"2/10/09" 17938   .1988509  4.420165
"2/11/09" 17939   .3530013 4.4260435
"2/12/09" 17940   .3530013  4.426761
"2/13/09" 17941    .604316  4.415945
"2/16/09" 17944   .4865331         .
"2/17/09" 17945 .016529638 4.3722286
"2/18/09" 17946   .4865331 4.3698277
"2/19/09" 17947   .1988509  4.359014
"2/20/09" 17948   .1988509  4.349245
"2/23/09" 17951   .1988509 4.3128104
"2/24/09" 17952   .1988509   4.35002
"2/25/09" 17953   .1988509  4.342116
"2/26/09" 17954   .1988509  4.325721
"2/27/09" 17955 .016529638 4.3031187
"3/2/09"  17958  -.2066147   4.25703
"3/3/09"  17959   .1988509 4.2494946
"3/4/09"  17960 .016529638  4.272909
format %td edate
How can I plot the tsline graph only for a specific date range?
(Not sure why it's showing the date as 17927 and such, when it's actually in the 30may2017 format.)
I also want to round up the insys_growth and spy_growth decimals and format them to have to digits after the decimal point. For instance, 4.272909 would become 4.27. How can I do that?

Thank you!!