Dear Statalist User,

I have a piece of code for estimation generalized ordered probit model from the book A.M.Jones (2007) Applied Econometrics for Health Economists (Ch.4 Bias in sell-reported data).
I use Stata 14.2. This code works fine:
reshape long vig_mobility_, i(id) j(vignum)
tabulate vignum, generate(vigdum)
drop vigdum1

/* Program for GOP  - cutpoints are functions of individual characteristics, health index function of vignette dummies */

cap program drop gop
program define gop

args lnf b m1 m2 m3 m4

    tempvar p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
quietly {
    gen double `p1' = 0
    gen double `p2' = 0
    gen double `p3' = 0
    gen double `p4' = 0
    gen double `p5' = 0

    replace `p1' = normal(`m1'-`b')
    replace `p2' = normal(`m2'-`b') - normal(`m1'-`b')
    replace `p3' = normal(`m3'-`b') - normal(`m2'-`b')
    replace `p4' = normal(`m4'-`b') - normal(`m3'-`b')
    replace `p5' = 1                   - normal(`m4'-`b')

    replace `lnf' = (vig_mobility_==1)*ln(`p1')+(vig_mobility_==2)*ln(`p2')+(vig_mobility_==3)*ln(`p3')+(vig_mobility_==4)*ln(`p4')+(vig_mobility_==5)*ln(`p5')  

*** Estimate GOP for the vignettes                                                       ***
ml model lf gop (xb: vigdum*, nocons) (mu1: $cvars) (mu2: $cvars) (mu3: $cvars) (mu4: $cvars) if vig_mobility_!=.
ml search
ml maximize

 drop vigdum*
 reshape wide vig_mobility_, i(id) j(vignum)
I need to use this code several times. So I try to use the loop:

cap program drop gop
program define gop

args lnf b m1 m2 m3 m4

    tempvar p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
quietly {
    gen double `p1' = 0
    gen double `p2' = 0
    gen double `p3' = 0
    gen double `p4' = 0
    gen double `p5' = 0

    replace `p1' = normal(`m1'-`b')
    replace `p2' = normal(`m2'-`b') - normal(`m1'-`b')
    replace `p3' = normal(`m3'-`b') - normal(`m2'-`b')
    replace `p4' = normal(`m4'-`b') - normal(`m3'-`b')
    replace `p5' = 1                   - normal(`m4'-`b')

    replace `lnf' = (vig_`v'_==1)*ln(`p1')+(vig_`v'_==2)*ln(`p2')+(vig_`v'_==3)*ln(`p3')+(vig_`v'_==4)*ln(`p4')+(vig_`v'_==5)*ln(`p5')  

local varlist = "mobility vigact depressed worry pain discomfort relationships conflicts visionm visionf  sleepn sleepm memory learning care appear"

foreach v of local varlist {
    reshape long vig_`v'_, i(id) j(vignum)
    tabulate vignum, generate(vigdum)
    drop vigdum1        

ml model lf gop (xb: vigdum*, nocons) (mu1: $cvars) (mu2: $cvars) (mu3: $cvars) (mu4: $cvars) if vig_`v'_!=.
ml search
ml maximize

 drop vigdum*
 reshape wide vig_`v'_, i(id) j(vignum)
I see the result of the execution
reshape long vig_`v'_, i(id) j(vignum)
tabulate vignum, generate(vigdum)
in the loop. And an error "vig__ not found".

I can't handle it myself. Any help would be very highly appreciated.