I am using Stata 15.1 for Windows.

I would like to keep a certain student in the program that he concentrated in the most. If he took 1 class in the English program, 2 classes in gov, 4 classes in Health Science, and 1 class in Finance, I would only want to consider the student a Health Science concentrator since he took the most classes in that program. (Example below) I have millions of rows of data. This happens to a lot of students where they took courses in different programs or programs that overlap. I want to keep them in the program that they took the most classes in. In terms of compliance, some students take a level 2 course and level 3 course and not a level 1 course. Some take more than 4 courses.

This is just an example of 1 program (Finance):

gen level_finplan = 1 if inlist(course_code, 5905, 3709, 3638, 3721, 5891)
replace level_finplan = 2 if inlist(course_code, 3496, 3767, 5901, 3749, 3751, 5898)
replace level_finplan = 3 if inlist(course_code, 3701, 5910)
bysort studentid : egen mx_finplan = max(level_finplan)
replace level_finplan = 4 if inlist(course_code, 3713) & level_finplan == . & mx_finplan !=4
drop mx_finplan
bysort studentid : egen mx_finplan = max(level_finplan)
replace level_finplan = 4 if inlist(course_code, 5890) & (mx_finplan == 3 | mx_finplan == 2 | mx_finplan == 1 | mx_finplan == .) & level_finplan == .
replace level_finplan = 5 if inlist(course_code, 5890) & mx_finplan == 4

//Note: level 1 course = 5905, 3709, 3638, 3721, 5891
//level 2 course = 3496 ...
//and so on..

xxxxxxxxx Course1 Course2 Course3 Course4 Program
Student A 2050 3590 1309 2549 Health Science
Student A 2040 English
Student A 2890 4030 Government
Student A 3767 Finance

How would I start? I only want 1 row per student.