
I am trying to use the expand command to create duplicates and replacing one of the variables in the row.

For example,
expand 2 if state=="S" & district=="D" & year=="2009", generate (new)
One the duplicate is created, I apply:
replace district="D1" if district=="D" & state=="S" & year==2009 & new==1

This works perfectly only if I want to use expand 2.
Now I want to expand a row 9 times, the replace command will not work as all the new duplicated are assigned the value 1.

To elucidate:
expand 9 if state=="S" & district=="D" & year=="2009", generate (new)
This created the necessary duplicate rows but I can not do the following:

replace district="D1" if district=="D" & state=="S" & year==2009 & new==1
replace district="D2" if district=="D" & state=="S" & year==2009 & new==1
and so on.

I tried generating a case id and replacing it but it requires me to manually check the id created which is not feasible as I need to do this for various states and have a million rows of data.

I am sure there is a better way of doing this which I am missing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you