Dear Team,

After reading the excellent "Stata tip 110: How to get the optimal k-means cluster solution, Stata Journal (2012) 12, Number 2, pp. 347-351" from Anna Makles I copied and paste the code written on the paper. The STATA do file is:

PHP Code:
use physedclear
local list1 
" flexibility speed strength "
foreach v of varlist `list1´ {
egen z_
`v´ std(`v´)
local list2 "z_flexibility z_speed z_strength"
forvalues k = 1(1)20 {
cluster kmeans 
`list2´k(`k´) start(random(123)) name(cs`)
WSS matrix
matrix WSS 
matrix colnames WSS k WSS log(WSSeta-squared PRE
WSS for each clustering
forvalues k 
1(1)20 {
scalar ws`k´ = 0
foreach v of varlist 
`list2´ {
quietly anova `v´ cs`
scalar ws
`k´ = ws`k´ e(rss)
matrix WSS[`k´, 1] = `
matrix WSS
[`k´, 2] = ws`
matrix WSS
[`k´, 3] = log(ws`)
matrix WSS[`k´, 4] = 1 - ws`/WSS[1,2]
matrix WSS[`k´, 5] = (WSS[`-1,2] - ws`k´)/WSS[`-1,2]
matrix list WSS
local squared 
_matplot WSScolumns(2 1connect(lxlabel(#10) name(plot1, replace) nodraw noname
_matplot WSScolumns(3 1connect(lxlabel(#10) name(plot2, replace) nodraw noname
_matplot WSScolumns(4 1connect(lxlabel(#10) name(plot3, replace) nodraw noname ytitle({&eta}`squared´)
_matplot WSScolumns(5 1connect(lxlabel(#10) name(plot4, replace) nodraw noname
graph combine plot1 plot2 plot3 plot4name(plot1to4replace
But I obtain no table nor graph and the system crashes and I have to restart the computer. I repeated the run changing " ` " and " ´ " by " ' " and using other dataset with same results. I 'm user of STATA 15.0.

Any idea about what is happening?

Thank you very much.