
I believe I incorrectly posted this to the Statalist earlier today. I recognize this question is simple but I need help. I try to debug my .do files by examining datasets created within them. So, I want to understand how to create a temporary dataset that exists after completion of a do file but its erased upon Stata exit. I have been unsuccessful at accomplishing this.

I wrote the following simple program as a way to test possibilities.

input firm year
10 2019
10 2018
11 2017
11 2016

tempfile nextcit
save "`nextcit'"

global macrot "`nextcit'"
save $macrot, replace


use $macrot


[output after describe command]

Contains data from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_459c_000001.t mp
obs: 4
vars: 2 31 Jan 2019 12:45
size: 32
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
firm float %9.0g
year float %9.0g
Sorted by:

. use $macrot

. list

| firm year |
1. | 10 2019 |
2. | 10 2018 |
3. | 11 2017 |
4. | 11 2016 |

However, after my .do file terminates and I type in the command window :

. use $macrot

and receive the following error:

file C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_459c_000001.t mp not found

How can I access the data that I intended to store within $macrot?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,
