Hello. I have problems combining two graphs in a loop . I do not have all of the combination of the loop. For example, I have asset_t3m_ed1_qe.gph and asset_t3m_ed1_nqe.gph but not asset_t6m_ed1_qe.gph and asset_t6m_ed1_nqe.gph. I always have the qe and qe version of each combination. I want to combine the graphs qe and nqe. I try to use capture confirm but it does not work. It returns error (NOT FOUND).

Do you know how can I do that?

foreach pi in  t3m t6m t1y t2y t3y t5y t7y t10y { 
foreach iv in ed1 ed2 ed3 ed4 ff1 ff2 ff3 ff4 mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 {
capture confirm existence "RESULTS/graphs_04/asset_`pi'_`iv'_`s'".gph
if _rc == 0 {
graph combine "$RESULTS/graphs_04/asset_`pi'_`iv'_qe.gph" "$RESULTS/graphs_04/asset_`pi'_`iv'_nqe.gph"
graph save "$RESULTS/graphs_04/combined/asset_`pi'_`iv'.gph", replace