Hello stata community,

I believe I'm having trouble coding the occupation of IPUMS CPS dataset according to the definition of STEM in an efficient way ? Could anyone kindly help me to code it up in a less time consuming method or provide me some insight how can I do it ?

They have plenty of category for occupation , if I have to do it one by on that will just take too much time and therefore asking for the kind guidance of any person who is experienced with this matter.

Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input int occ90ly

label values occ90ly occ90ly_lbl
label def occ90ly_lbl 276 "Cashiers", modify
label def occ90ly_lbl 453 "Janitors", modify
label def occ90ly_lbl 479 "Farm workers", modify
label def occ90ly_lbl 567 "Carpenters", modify
label def occ90ly_lbl 999 "NIU", modify