Dear All,
I'm estimating a gsem model with mlogit and probit equations with a nested structure (for the variable un_code). Here is the command I type:
gsem (status <- competcfunew competGPAnew cfu_sostenuti_anno media_voto_anno i.female northe centre southis classico tecnico professionale altroliceo gapyears firstdipltot secondipltot thirdipltot firstliceo secondliceo thirdliceo i.foreigner i.id_anno_accademico dis1829corso M1[code_un], mlogit) (selectvar <- i.female northe centre southis classico tecnico professionale altroliceo gapyears id_voto_dipl i.foreigner i.id_anno_accademico logdis, probit), vce(robust)
the estimation process is OK. My problem is the calculation of the marginal effects. I tries in several ways, but it takes hours and hours without producing any output.
the command is:
margins, dydx(*) predict(outcome(2.status) fixed), that shoud calculate the marginal effects for outcome 2 of the variable status, that is the dependent variable of the first equation (mlogit). But anything happens. Would you have some suggestions?
Thank you,
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