Hi all,
My outcome variable is Entrepreneur =Yes=1 and Entrepreneur = No=wageworker=0
I'm using GEM data and I define entrepreneur with the variables bstart = yes = 1 and/or ownmge = yes = 1. The command I used for this is:
gen entrepreneur = 1 if bstart_e == 1 | ownmge_e == 1
replace entrepreneur = 0 if bstart_e == o & ownmge_e == 0
GEMWORK 3 == 10 gives all working people, so including entrepreneurs and wagewokers. My first hypothesis is: Women are less likely than men to be an entrepreneur (as compared to being a wage worker).
But using the command above does not compare entrepreneurs with wagewokers, but with anyone else but entrepreneurs.
How can I make this variable?
Thanks in advance,
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