* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int year str1 firm str7 region float id
2016 "A" "America" 1
2016 "B" "America" 2
2016 "C" "Europe"  3
2016 "D" "Asia"    4
2017 "A" "America" 1
2017 "B" "America" 2
2017 "C" "Europe"  3
2017 "D" "Asia"    4
2017 "E" "Europe"  5
2018 "A" "America" 1
2018 "B" "America" 2
2018 "C" "Europe"  3
2018 "D" "Asia"    4
2018 "E" "Europe"  5
2018 "F" "America" 6
format %ty year
My data set contains four variables: year, firm, region, and id. I would like to generate two graphs.

In graph 1, I want to produce line plots that would present number of firms based on their region. To be precise, I want to plot number of firms in America, Asia, and Europe over time.

In graph 2, I want to do similar thing; instead of number I want to plot proportions.