Dear all,

I am running the following regression:

foreach var of varlist ln_primary  {
 foreach num of numlist 1(1)10 {
  by nctry : gen led`num'`var' = f`num'.`var'
 foreach lagnum of newlist led1 led2 led 3 led4 led 5 led6 led7 led8 led 9 led10 {
  areg `lagnum'`var' disco i.year if year>=1946, a(country) cluster(nctry)

I am trying to plot a graph using the coefficient of led1-led10 which looks like the following picture. The black line is the coefficient estimates of each looped regression and the grey line is the 95% confidence intervals based on robust SE. Array

Source: Lei, Y.-H., & Michaels, G. (2014). Do giant oilfield discoveries fuel internal armed conflicts? Journal of Development Economics, 110, 139–157.

I have tried a couple of things but failed to create a graph that combines the different lagged coefficients.
Does anyone have an idea which command I can use?

Thanks in advance!!!