When running this code,

esttab m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6,star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ar2 title(" dependent variable ") mtitle("w/o contr" "f&c_contr" "ind_contr" "ind*year_fe" "reg*year_fe" "non_US firms") keep(pt wFIRM_SIZE LNGDP UNEMPLOYMENT IMP_OVER_GDP INFLATION wLEVERAGE median_mtbv Herfindahl)

I got the result as below


I am wondering how to copy and paste it to the excel worksheet that cell by cell separately. I mean, the Table in excel should have 7 columns, 30 rows. I read this document about esttab (http://repec.org/bocode/e/estout/hlp_esttab.html), I have tried some options like csv, plain, fixed but it does not work. At this moment, when I use these options or the smcl default option, the result when pasting to Excel should be in one cell for the output of one row.
For example, pt -0.0108*** -0.00383*** -0.00372*** -0.00336*** 0.000616 -0.00206 is displayed in one cell