Dear Specialists,

I have tried the lclogit2 for each class (2,3 and 4), I could receive results from Stata, but it would not respond if the number of classes is more than 4.
This is the command I used: lclogit2 choice, rand(price A1 A2 A3 A4) group(task) nclasses(4) id(qid) membership(X1 X2 X3 X4 X5)

I was trying to find the optimal class by the following command and hope that the best class would be 4, but Stata responded nothing, hence I can not determine the optimal classes for my model. Is there an error with the command below? and what is your advice for me?

forvalues c = 2/7 {
quietly lclogit2 choice, rand(price A1 A2 A3 A4) group(task) id(qid) nclasses(`c') membership(X1 X2 X3 X4 X5)
matrix b = e(b)
matrix ic = nullmat(ic) \ `e(nclasses)', `e(ll)',`=colsof(b)', `e(aic)', `e(caic)', `e(bic)'
matrix colnames ic = "Classes" "LLF" "Nparam" "AIC" "CAIC" "BIC"
matlist ic, name(columns)
