Dear experts,

Iam a bit lost in understanding what is going wrong with my model.
Here is what I 've done:
I want to test the effect of pollution on an outcome Y. Due to endogeneity issue, I opted for an IV for the air pollution.
The IV is a governmental policy that is expected to have reduced pollution.
So I run the following code
ivprobit Y (pollution = postXtreat ) other controls i.provinceXyear i.coun, cluster( coun) first
where the first step should be a DID estimation, postXtreat is an interaction term between post (=1 if after policy) and treat (=1 if implemented in that county).
i.coun is county fixed effects
i.provinceXyear is province by year of birth (year of exposure to pollution for each individual) fixed effects.

I have a cross section of individuals born in different years before and after the policy in different counties where the policy was implemented and where it was not (so individuals are not the same in different years but the counties are the same over years).

The problem is that the 2SLS estimation does not work as it is
could not find initial values
Possible problems:
Low T per N: (I indeed don't have an observation in each year for a given county) I tried to use a minimum of 6 observations per county: gives me weird results: not the expected signs for the coefficients of interest (compared to the literature) and very high levels of wald chi2 test.

So I tried to run first step on its own: effect of policy on pollution
the policy significantly decreases pollution if I only include county fixed effects and drop province by year fixed effects
the policy significantly increases pollution if I only include province by year fe and drop county fe.
the policy decreases (not significantly) pollution when I include both fe.

Here are the results from my 2SLS estimation:

Probit model with endogenous regressors         Number of obs     =        768
                                                Wald chi2(80)     =   5.87e+09
Log pseudolikelihood = -326.26393               Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

                                         (Std. Err. adjusted for 79 clusters in coun)
                    |               Robust
                    |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     Y            |
   Pollution |   3.086005   1.116393     2.76   0.006     .8979144    5.274096
other controls here |
      provinceXyear |
            111996  |    -.08387    .828575    -0.10   0.919    -1.707847    1.540107
            111997  |   2.066071   1.069159     1.93   0.053    -.0294413    4.161584
            111998  |   6.428071   2.221574     2.89   0.004     2.073867    10.78228
            111999  |   18.07829   5.652187     3.20   0.001     7.000211    29.15638
            141995  |   42.00588   13.57904     3.09   0.002     15.39145     68.6203
            141996  |   38.74168   12.66577     3.06   0.002     13.91723    63.56613
            141997  |   37.37595   12.43752     3.01   0.003     12.99886    61.75305
            141998  |   41.52244   13.64751     3.04   0.002     14.77381    68.27108
            141999  |          0  (empty)
            211995  |          0  (empty)
            211996  |          0  (empty)
            211998  |          0  (empty)
            321995  |  -32.23833   14.00117    -2.30   0.021    -59.68011   -4.796539
            321996  |  -31.52024    13.4896    -2.34   0.019    -57.95937   -5.081113
            321997  |  -26.51056   12.34954    -2.15   0.032    -50.71522   -2.305899
            321998  |  -26.32549   12.32459    -2.14   0.033    -50.48124   -2.169732
            321999  |  -23.63543   11.11902    -2.13   0.034     -45.4283   -1.842555
            341995  |   12.08086   4.487632     2.69   0.007     3.285265    20.87646
            341996  |   13.10474   4.618495     2.84   0.005     4.052655    22.15682
            341997  |   13.69676    4.88849     2.80   0.005     4.115499    23.27803
            341998  |   14.60849   4.863234     3.00   0.003     5.076727    24.14025
            341999  |   22.42444   6.500338     3.45   0.001     9.684009    35.16487
            411995  |  -24.06416   11.05308    -2.18   0.029    -45.72779   -2.400532
            411996  |  -29.79043   12.73007    -2.34   0.019     -54.7409   -4.839957
            411997  |  -23.94578   10.78602    -2.22   0.026    -45.08599   -2.805564
            411998  |  -19.83655   9.896316    -2.00   0.045    -39.23298   -.4401309
            411999  |  -14.94796   8.330533    -1.79   0.073     -31.2755    1.379587
            421995  |   53.82698   18.06005     2.98   0.003     18.42992    89.22404
            421996  |   53.06059   17.55104     3.02   0.003     18.66118    87.45999
            421997  |   54.54114   18.21225     2.99   0.003     18.84579    90.23649
            421998  |   51.97626   17.78062     2.92   0.003     17.12689    86.82563
            421999  |          0  (empty)
            431995  |   17.97994   5.693734     3.16   0.002     6.820429    29.13946
            431996  |   18.92911   5.711715     3.31   0.001     7.734358    30.12387
            431997  |   19.31405   5.941527     3.25   0.001     7.668875    30.95923
            431998  |   17.58278   5.738822     3.06   0.002     6.334895    28.83066
            431999  |   22.75633   7.077011     3.22   0.001      8.88564    36.62701
            441995  |   32.94615   10.52149     3.13   0.002     12.32441    53.56789
            441996  |   35.76192   11.01219     3.25   0.001     14.17843    57.34541
            441997  |   35.80182   10.57486     3.39   0.001     15.07548    56.52817
            441998  |          0  (empty)
            441999  |          0  (empty)
            501995  |   47.14885   15.48771     3.04   0.002      16.7935    77.50421
            501996  |   46.78181   15.27741     3.06   0.002     16.83863    76.72499
            501997  |    48.1747   15.80058     3.05   0.002     17.20612    79.14327
            501998  |   46.87172   15.59802     3.00   0.003     16.30016    77.44327
            501999  |          0  (empty)
            511995  |   1.721935   3.484826     0.49   0.621    -5.108198    8.552068
            511996  |   1.658739   3.239828     0.51   0.609    -4.691207    8.008685
            511997  |   3.218198   3.062402     1.05   0.293    -2.784001    9.220396
            511998  |   4.442272   3.175146     1.40   0.162    -1.780901    10.66544
            531995  |   63.19297   21.46472     2.94   0.003     21.12288    105.2631
            531996  |   63.69529    21.0668     3.02   0.002     22.40512    104.9855
            531997  |   64.06481   21.24237     3.02   0.003     22.43054    105.6991
            531998  |   63.09008   21.21096     2.97   0.003     21.51737    104.6628
            621995  |   53.87442   18.24744     2.95   0.003     18.11009    89.63875
            621996  |   54.03442   18.35838     2.94   0.003     18.05265    90.01619
            621997  |   54.51972    18.2503     2.99   0.003     18.74979    90.28966
            621998  |   55.14101   18.60595     2.96   0.003     18.67401    91.60801
            621999  |   56.31056   18.85423     2.99   0.003     19.35694    93.26417
               coun |
            110102  |          0  (empty)
            110106  |  -13.09354   4.934306    -2.65   0.008     -22.7646    -3.42248
            110112  |  -28.25414   10.68418    -2.64   0.008    -49.19476   -7.313527
            110114  |  -17.15601   7.642494    -2.24   0.025    -32.13503      -2.177
            110117  |  -8.157569   3.539463    -2.30   0.021    -15.09479   -1.220348
            110229  |          0  (omitted)
            140106  |          0  (empty)
            140181  |  -10.47059   3.848517    -2.72   0.007    -18.01355   -2.927638
            140202  |   -2.08105   1.762413    -1.18   0.238    -5.535315    1.373216
            140302  |          0  (empty)
            140303  |          0  (empty)
            140802  |  -25.92042   8.303874    -3.12   0.002    -42.19572    -9.64513
            140902  |  -8.621005   2.574202    -3.35   0.001    -13.66635   -3.575662
            140925  |          0  (omitted)
            140926  |          0  (empty)
            210281  |          0  (empty)
            210681  |          0  (empty)
            320106  |   5.242644   1.620017     3.24   0.001     2.067469    8.417819
            320324  |   28.17655   10.15529     2.77   0.006     8.272558    48.08055
            320506  |   -9.89474   3.724395    -2.66   0.008    -17.19442    -2.59506
            320602  |   19.40026   7.038686     2.76   0.006     5.604693    33.19583
            320802  |   30.50033    10.8443     2.81   0.005     9.245899    51.75477
            320922  |   52.77043   18.79556     2.81   0.005      15.9318    89.60906
            321002  |          0  (empty)
            321003  |          0  (omitted)
            340621  |  -26.86266   9.671252    -2.78   0.005    -45.81797   -7.907354
            340823  |          0  (empty)
            340826  |  -2.259944   1.222119    -1.85   0.064    -4.655254    .1353656
            341021  |   9.824597   3.735512     2.63   0.009     2.503127    17.14607
            341222  |          0  (empty)
            341622  |  -28.56904   9.765208    -2.93   0.003     -47.7085   -9.429587
            341702  |   .7764585   1.157949     0.67   0.503    -1.493081    3.045998
            341723  |          0  (omitted)
            410105  |  -5.759551   4.047172    -1.42   0.155    -13.69186     2.17276
            410224  |   5.387618   1.717888     3.14   0.002     2.020619    8.754617
            410725  |  -8.221678   3.736771    -2.20   0.028    -15.54561   -.8977407
            410804  |          0  (empty)
            410821  |  -6.021951   2.427631    -2.48   0.013    -10.78002   -1.263881
            410902  |   3.171023   1.820221     1.74   0.081     -.396545    6.738591
            411081  |   4.254515   1.369178     3.11   0.002     1.570975    6.938056
            411421  |   6.240048   2.245017     2.78   0.005     1.839895     10.6402
            411626  |          0  (empty)
            411681  |   9.350898   3.518704     2.66   0.008     2.454366    16.24743
            419001  |          0  (omitted)
            420114  |  -75.58378   28.44936    -2.66   0.008    -131.3435   -19.82406
            420923  |  -61.17186   22.75807    -2.69   0.007    -105.7769   -16.56686
            421123  |  -41.23018   15.58056    -2.65   0.008    -71.76752   -10.69285
            421222  |          0  (empty)
            422801  |   1.470895   .8623866     1.71   0.088    -.2193515    3.161142
            429004  |          0  (omitted)
            429006  |          0  (empty)
            430203  |          0  (empty)
            430412  |          0  (empty)
            430481  |   5.574934   1.395489     3.99   0.000     2.839825    8.310042
            430602  |   1.109517   1.117361     0.99   0.321     -1.08047    3.299505
            430681  |  -1.982857   1.460608    -1.36   0.175    -4.845596     .879883
            430722  |  -2.010796   1.191164    -1.69   0.091    -4.345434    .3238421
            430726  |    22.6113   7.288642     3.10   0.002     8.325827    36.89678
            430821  |   21.28617   6.902019     3.08   0.002     7.758462    34.81388
            431081  |   22.27484   7.042788     3.16   0.002     8.471231    36.07845
            431102  |   19.67963   6.294948     3.13   0.002     7.341755     32.0175
            431382  |          0  (omitted)
            440903  |          0  (empty)
            441283  |   -27.0436   9.766924    -2.77   0.006    -46.18642   -7.900779
            441481  |   .1222263   .6380388     0.19   0.848    -1.128307    1.372759
            441882  |   4.874451   1.955997     2.49   0.013     1.040768    8.708133
            445281  |  -15.15457   4.963472    -3.05   0.002    -24.88279   -5.426342
            445381  |          0  (omitted)
            500102  |   -7.83161    3.05731    -2.56   0.010    -13.82383   -1.839392
            500110  |   -14.2077   5.446549    -2.61   0.009    -24.88273   -3.532656
            500112  |  -8.656853    3.18219    -2.72   0.007    -14.89383   -2.419874
            500118  |  -40.62365   14.91713    -2.72   0.006    -69.86068   -11.38661
            500226  |  -43.58252   15.88888    -2.74   0.006    -74.72416   -12.44088
            500234  |          0  (omitted)
            510108  |          0  (empty)
            510112  |   3.459886   1.381993     2.50   0.012     .7512298    6.168542
            510411  |          0  (empty)
            510421  |   54.74082   19.12786     2.86   0.004      17.2509    92.23074
            510904  |          0  (empty)
            510921  |          0  (empty)
            510922  |   8.710109   2.957502     2.95   0.003     2.913511    14.50671
            511303  |          0  (empty)
            511923  |   35.16372   11.98724     2.93   0.003     11.66915    58.65828
            512021  |          0  (omitted)
            530103  |  -7.249693    2.86106    -2.53   0.011    -12.85727   -1.642119
            530111  |  -6.859282   3.030257    -2.26   0.024    -12.79848   -.9200863
            530402  |   -2.91392   2.890143    -1.01   0.313    -8.578496    2.750657
            530821  |   1.564858   .4002959     3.91   0.000     .7802929    2.349424
            530921  |   1.037258   .7277906     1.43   0.154    -.3891855    2.463701
            532621  |  -1.262446   .6773748    -1.86   0.062    -2.590076    .0651841
            532901  |  -1.059275   1.514925    -0.70   0.484    -4.028474    1.909924
            532926  |          0  (omitted)
            620102  |  -12.39494   3.767134    -3.29   0.001    -19.77839   -5.011498
            620402  |  -14.29236   5.463535    -2.62   0.009    -25.00069   -3.584026
            620502  |  -1.702812   1.134908    -1.50   0.134    -3.927191    .5215665
            620522  |  -3.187792   .3398281    -9.38   0.000    -3.853843   -2.521742
            620524  |   2.321082   1.305137     1.78   0.075      -.23694    4.879105
            620902  |   9.024004   3.345744     2.70   0.007     2.466466    15.58154
            620921  |   11.23223    3.62328     3.10   0.002     4.130728    18.33373
            621021  |          0  (empty)
            621022  |  -2.876322   1.882069    -1.53   0.126     -6.56511    .8124653
            621121  |          0  (omitted)
              _cons |  -73.00119   25.63254    -2.85   0.004      -123.24   -22.76233
Pollution     |
Other controls here|
      provinceXyear |
               coun |
           postXtreat |   .2023854   .1374779     1.47   0.141    -.0670663    .4718372
              _cons |   22.86447   2.841963     8.05   0.000     17.29432    28.43462
            /athrho |  -1.038874   .5649298    -1.84   0.066    -2.146116    .0683683
           /lnsigma |  -1.491382   .0945231   -15.78   0.000    -1.676644    -1.30612
                rho |  -.7774429   .2234763                     -.9730202    .0682619
              sigma |   .2250614   .0212735                      .1870005    .2708689
Instrumented:  Pollution
Instruments:   other controls 111996.provinceXyear
               111997.provinceXyear 111998.provinceXyear 111999.provinceXyear
               141995.provinceXyear 141996.provinceXyear 141997.provinceXyear
               141998.provinceXyear 321995.provinceXyear 321996.provinceXyear
               321997.provinceXyear 321998.provinceXyear 321999.provinceXyear
               341995.provinceXyear 341996.provinceXyear 341997.provinceXyear
               341998.provinceXyear 341999.provinceXyear 411995.provinceXyear
               411996.provinceXyear 411997.provinceXyear 411998.provinceXyear
               411999.provinceXyear 421995.provinceXyear 421996.provinceXyear
               421997.provinceXyear 421998.provinceXyear 431995.provinceXyear
               431996.provinceXyear 431997.provinceXyear 431998.provinceXyear
               431999.provinceXyear 441995.provinceXyear 441996.provinceXyear
               441997.provinceXyear 501995.provinceXyear 501996.provinceXyear
               501997.provinceXyear 501998.provinceXyear 511995.provinceXyear
               511996.provinceXyear 511997.provinceXyear 511998.provinceXyear
               531995.provinceXyear 531996.provinceXyear 531997.provinceXyear
               531998.provinceXyear 621995.provinceXyear 621996.provinceXyear
               621997.provinceXyear 621998.provinceXyear 621999.provinceXyear
               110106.coun 110112.coun 110114.coun 110117.coun 140181.coun
               140202.coun 140802.coun 140902.coun 320106.coun 320324.coun
               320506.coun 320602.coun 320802.coun 320922.coun 340621.coun
               340826.coun 341021.coun 341622.coun 341702.coun 410105.coun
               410224.coun 410725.coun 410821.coun 410902.coun 411081.coun
               411421.coun 411681.coun 420114.coun 420923.coun 421123.coun
               422801.coun 430481.coun 430602.coun 430681.coun 430722.coun
               430726.coun 430821.coun 431081.coun 431102.coun 441283.coun
               441481.coun 441882.coun 445281.coun 500102.coun 500110.coun
               500112.coun 500118.coun 500226.coun 510112.coun 510421.coun
               510922.coun 511923.coun 530103.coun 530111.coun 530402.coun
               530821.coun 530921.coun 532621.coun 532901.coun 620102.coun
               620402.coun 620502.coun 620522.coun 620524.coun 620902.coun
               620921.coun 621022.coun postXtreat
Wald test of exogeneity (/athrho = 0): chi2(1) =     3.38 Prob > chi2 = 0.0659

Any ideas please?

PS- I dropped values from first step because of the number of characters allowed in a post.