Array Dear listers,
I would like to apologize if my question is too naive. I am using Stata 15.

I would like to replicate the following graph from Blanchard and Katz (1992) paper. I tried to graph a similar graph using compound average growth rate (CAGR) in the following way :

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex

webuse grunfeld, clear

gen linvest=ln( invest)
bys company: gen cagr= (linvest[20]/linvest[1])^1/20 -1
line cagr year if company==6
I tried the
command as well
ssc install cumul
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex

sysuse citytemp, clear
       cumul tempjan, gen(cjan)
        cumul tempjuly, gen(cjuly)
        stack cjan tempjan cjuly tempjuly, into(c temp) wide clear
        line cjan cjuly temp, sort
But the line is far from looking like the one presented in the graph.
May anyone help me, how I could get a graph similar to theirs please?
Thank you.
cummulative change.pdf