I used the code below to generate the attached plot but the values on the x-axis are not legible. Kindly assist.

coefplot /// Array
(Depression, mcolor(green) ciopts(lcolor(green))) ///
(Dementia, mcolor(blue) ciopts(lcolor(blue))) ///
(Epilepsy, mcolor(red) ciopts(lcolor(red))) ///
(Other_complaints, mcolor(purple) ciopts(lcolor(purple))) ///
(Psychosis, mcolor(black) ciopts(lcolor(black))), ///
eform drop(_cons) xscale(log range(.5 2)) omitted ///
xline(1, lcolor(black) lwidth(thin) lpattern(dash)) ///
title("Changes in the physical domain of quality of life") xtitle("odds ratio") ///
text(1.8 1.9 "N=103", box fcolor(white) lcolor(black)) ///
msymbol(D) ciopts (recast (rcap))