Hello Statalist

I have a question regarding how to interpret the reference group in my logistic regression. I have four independent variables and one dependent variable. All dichotomous. When i run a logistic regression with X1 and Y, the reference group is when X1 has the value 0. Is that correctly understood? Furthermore, how do i show this in an output table in my assignment? Since they are dichotomous then when X1 = 0 X2, X3 and X4 either = 1 or 0 becasuse they are mututally exclusive. Should i write that X2, X3 and X4 are all the referencegroup or just that X1=0 is the regerencegroup?

If i run a mutiple regression with all the variables, i can exclude one wich would be the referencegroup since k-1.

Any advice or input is much appreciated!