Dear all,
I want to create a control sample of non-fraud firms against firms that committed fraud. I want the matching based on the firm's assets (at). Since the year of fraud for every firm is different, I don't know how can I create a control sample for the fraud firms. Kindly guide with the data below:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double at float fraud_year double fyear
32.335 . 1990
35.559 . 1991
41.976 . 1992
63.997 . 1993
93.811 . 1994
91072 . 1999
12.854 . 1990
16.243 . 1991
18.686 . 1992
18.293 . 1993
17.965 . 1994
17.851 . 1995
17.215 . 1996
18.315 . 1997
20.417 . 1998
22.774 1 1999
21.473 . 2000
22.219 . 2001
17.269 . 2002
18.985 . 2003
18.463 . 2004
20.212 . 2005
17.735 . 2006
21.38 . 2007
17.761 . 2008
21.476 . 2009
89300.7 . 1990
91987.6 . 1991
89928.2 . 1992
100036.7 . 1993
94172.5 . 1994
84323.7 . 1995
92912.9 . 1996
96000.6 . 1997
105148.1 . 1998
112839 . 1999
47445.7 . 2000
43255.1 . 2001
40047.5 . 2002
40950.2 . 2003
42133.7 . 2004
44364.6 . 2005
47626.4 . 2006
50724.7 . 2007
35852.5 . 2008
38550.4 . 2009
2835 . 1990
2767.2 . 1991
2642.7 . 1992
2793.8 . 1993
2945.7 . 1994
2942.4 . 1995
781.415 . 1990
859.281 . 1991
1092.076 . 1992
1006.126 . 1993
1112.929 . 1994
1158.684 . 1995
1072.709 1 1996
1058.928 . 1997
3405.517 . 1998
3132.349 . 1999
2.458 . 1990
1.817 . 1991
28.972 . 1992
21.769 . 1993
16.812 . 1994
137682 . 1990
146441 . 1991
175752 . 1992
94132 . 1993
97006 . 1994
107405 . 1995
108512 . 1996
120003 . 1997
126933 . 1998
148517 . 1999
154423 . 2000
151100 . 2001
157253 . 2002
175001 . 2003
192638 . 2004
113960 . 2005
127853 . 2006
149830 . 2007
126074 . 2008
124088 . 2009
58143.112 . 1990
69389.468 . 1991
79835.182 . 1992
101014.848 . 1993
114346.117 . 1994
134136.398 . 1995
148431.002 . 1996
163970.687 . 1997
194398 . 1998
268238 . 1999
306577 1 2000
492982 . 2001
561229 . 2002
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