Hello Statalist members,

I am using Stata 17 (ver.10May2022). I found that svy: tabulate doesn't seem to work properly, if either the row variable or the column variable contains the extended missing value .z. For example:

clear all
set obs 10
generate w =1
generate x =rbinomial(3, .5)
replace x =.z if _n==1
replace x =.y if _n==2
quietly svyset [pw=w]
svy: tabulate x, missing
Number of strata =  1       Number of obs   = 10
Number of PSUs   = 10       Population size = 10
                            Design df       =  9
        x | proportion
        0 |         .1
        1 |         .2
        2 |         .5
       .y |         .1
    Total |         .1
Key: proportion = Cell proportion
As can be seen from the the above table, the proportion of the category .z is printed at the last row with a label of Total. This occurs with svy: tabulate twoway too. Is that a bug or is the command designed for that?

Thanks for any help on this.
