I'm currently analyzing cross-section data of individual loans originated by 2 banks in 2017-2018 years in the country. (each individual loan appear once only). My goal is to estimate the effect of a relief lending program to loan outcomes (overdue/default).
Dependent variable Outcome: binary 1 if overdue/default within 2 years from the origination date, and 0 otherwise
I would like to add bank fixed effects and time fixed effects and zip-code fixed effects (note that the time variable is the quarter when the loan is issued so it repeated within bank and zip code). Because my data is not a time series there for function xtset is not applicable. Please help to advise me:
1. Is there any way to add fixed effects into a logit/probit model when xtset cannot be used? I tried:
xtlogit outcome i.relief loan_control borrower_control i.bank i.zip i.date, vce(cluster bank)
I also tried:
egen zip_date = group(zip date) areg outcome i.relief loan_control borrower_control, absorb(gse zip_date)
2. One of the 2 banks in my sample issues an overwhelming numbers of loans compared to the other. I wonder if I need to do anything with this unbalance?
Thank you in advance.
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