Hello everyone,

I have recently conducted a validation study on a 7-item survey. For the factor analysis, I have used the factortest command with the following results

factortest fgsis_s_01 fgsis_s_02 fgsis_s_03 fgsis_s_04 fgsis_s_05 fgsis_s_06 fgsis_s_07

Determinant of the correlation matrix
Det = 0.030

Bartlett test of sphericity

Chi-square = 685.883
Degrees of freedom = 21
p-value = 0.000
H0: variables are not intercorrelated

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
KMO = 0.847

Afterwrads I have conducted FACTOR ANALYSIS
factor fgsis_s_01 fgsis_s_02 fgsis_s_03 fgsis_s_04 fgsis_s_05 fgsis_s_06 fgsis_s_07, pcf

Factor analysis/correlation Number of obs = 200
Method: principal-component factors Retained factors = 1
Rotation: (unrotated) Number of params = 7

Factor | Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
Factor1 | 3.86248 3.03265 0.5518 0.5518
Factor2 | 0.82983 0.10172 0.1185 0.6703
Factor3 | 0.72811 0.06234 0.1040 0.7743
Factor4 | 0.66577 0.19947 0.0951 0.8695
Factor5 | 0.46630 0.15041 0.0666 0.9361
Factor6 | 0.31589 0.18426 0.0451 0.9812
Factor7 | 0.13163 . 0.0188 1.0000
LR test: independent vs. saturated: chi2(21) = 689.39 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000

Factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances

Variable | Factor1 | Uniqueness
fgsis_s_01 | 0.8639 | 0.2536
fgsis_s_02 | 0.8678 | 0.2469
fgsis_s_03 | 0.7614 | 0.4202
fgsis_s_04 | 0.5869 | 0.6555
fgsis_s_05 | 0.6471 | 0.5812
fgsis_s_06 | 0.5569 | 0.6898
fgsis_s_07 | 0.8425 | 0.2902

Given these findings can we asume that the measure is an unrestricted one factor solution? Or should I undergo a maximum likelihood or principal axis factoring?
