I am running a clogit model and I installed spost13 to get the fitstats for the model.
here is the code (after the clogit)
est sto calls1
estadd fitstat
. estadd fitstat

Measures of Fit for clogit of callc1
(Multiple outcomes per group for clogit: Count R2 may not be valid)
Log-Lik Intercept Only: -9407.220 Log-Lik Full Model: -9361.516
D(542): 18723.032 LR(11): 91.407
Prob > LR: 0.000
McFadden's R2: 0.005 McFadden's Adj R2: 0.004
ML (Cox-Snell) R2: 0.152 Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2: 0.152
Count R2: 0.128
AIC: 33.897 AIC*n: 18745.032
BIC: 15300.108 BIC': -21.938
BIC used by Stata: 18863.941 AIC used by Stata: 18745.032

added scalars:

I am using esttab to create the output and the code (pl see below) produces the table with results but strangely, not the pseudo r2.
Maybe the estadd is not adding the scalars for some reason or maybe I am addressing the statistic incorrectly.
I expect the fix is simple but it is eluding me!
I would appreciate any help. I am running several models and I am almost resigned to copying and pasting the pseudo R2 by hand into tables from the output window.

. esttab callc1 , cells(b(star fmt(5)) se(par fmt(5))) scalars(N ll r2_ml aic bic )

sumproduct1 -0.00348***
sumissue1 0.00154

--some rows deleted--
2.quarter -0.19770
3.quarter 0.15450
4.quarter 0.00126
N 365837
ll -9361.5
r2_ml .
aic 18745.0
bic 18863.9
