
I am trying to run the latest version of sqom on Stata16 using subcost(meanprobdistance) and am getting an error.
My command is:

sqom, subcost(meanprobdistance) full k(2)

and my data has 3 states (no study, part-time, full-time) for 684 periods and 5614 individuals.

When I run the command I get the following message:

symmetric SQsubcost[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
r1 0
r2 1.9972898 0
r3 1.9991412 1.9998221 0
Perform 3673405 Comparisons with Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
Running mata function
needlemanwunschapproxmatrix(): 3001 expected 8 arguments but received 6
sqomfull(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error

I tried reindexing mata using:

mata: mata mlib index

but still get the same error. I tried running the same command on the same data using the old version of the SQ package on Stata15 and it seems to run.

Any ideas on how I might fix this error?

Thanks in advance,