
I just started to work with stata. I have a micro dataset that contains all US counties and loan characteristics. (over 4mln. observations).

I need to pick specific counties (181 in total) and drop all other US counties. 5 digit number is the county code. I use this code (did not include all counties that I need).
keep if inlist(county, "01003", "12033", "28059", "01097", "28045", "22103", "13215", "01113", "05035","28033", "47157", "47167", "48037", "05091", "05033", "05131", "40135", "06061", "32031", "56021", "08069", "08123")
I get an error: r(130): "expression too long"

Is there another way to select these counties? Thank you for your help in advance!