Dear all,

I am currently trying to apply different propensity score matching estimators to my data. I have played around with nearest-neighbor-matching, kernel matching, radius and caliper matching with psmatch2. In order to assess the matching quality of each estimator, I have looked at the t-tests and Pseudo-R^2s before and after matching. For the matching quality assessment, it was fairly convenient to simply run "pstest $covariates, sum" after psmatch2.

Now I am working on stratification matching with the program atts.ado. I am struggling, however, to get the Pseudo-R^s after matching so that I can compare the matching quality of stratification matching to the other matching algorithms. My next step would be to reestimate the propensity score on the matched sample (i.e. only on treated and matched untreated individuals) so that I obtain my Pseudo-R^2 after matching. For this, I need a variable that indicates if an individual was matched or not but I do not know how to construct this variable with the information I get from the atts-output.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.