I'm trying to use a list of variables that have suffixes based on years, using a loop. However, some variables only exist in several years, say we have comp_expnd2017 in the file, but not comp_expnd2015 in the file. When I use the loop, how can I ignore variables that don't exist in the file, and continue reading variables that exist?
I looked into capture confirm variable, but it seems that it only works to confirm whether a variable exists in a varlist, not in a data file that isn't fully read into Stata memory. Thank you.
* Doing analysis based on years forvalues Y = 1999(2)2017 { * read in variables needed #delimit ; use personid famid`Y' age_head`Y' income`Y' hsng_status`Y' if_mortgage`Y' housing_expnd`Y' childcare_expnd`Y' healthcare_expnd`Y' edu_expnd`Y' trans_expnd`Y' food_expnd`Y' entmt_expnd`Y' trips_expnd`Y' clothing_expnd`Y' comp_expnd`Y' // only exist for comp_expnd2017, but not comp_expnd2015 or any years before 2017 using $madir/real_sav_master.dta, clear; // this master file contains all the variables #delimit cr * some other codes for analysis, omitted here }
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