Hello Statalisters,

I have a country panel which involves around 31 countries with data on variables gathered from 1996 to 2017. I want to have gathered immigration data from the US on country of origin, so I am looking at reasons why people migrate from their respective countries to the United states. I have around 5 main independent variables that are factors in affecting migration and another independent variable which is a control which is population. I have also calculated the same 5 independent variables but relative to the US that I want to run in a separate regression. Here are the commands I ran:
encode country, gen(country1)
xtset country1 year
xtreg immigration var1 var 2 var3 var4 var5 var6 i.year, fe vce(robust)

Do you see any issues with what I have done, and would you say the fixed effects model I am running is most suitable?
What ways would you recommend I check how good my model is currently? I am a beginner in econometrics so I do not have much knowledge, apologies if the answers to the question I posed is obvious.
