Now a days I investigate the topic about IT and economic growth related. In my base papers 10 variables are use one dependent and remaining are independent. They used the panel data model.The data cover 44 countries over the years 1975 to 2006 and use 1364 country year observations. For Estimating the results they find descriptive statistics and use two step difference GMM (Generalized Method of Moment) model.
I also investigate nearly same topic in different territory by using 6 variables, but my panel consist only 4 countries data from 1995 to 2016. Firstly my panel has only 88 observations, secondly all variables of my study are stationary at different levels(one at level, four at 1st difference and one at 2nd difference).The important thing in both my working paper and base paper is that dependent variable is also use as a independent variable with lag 1. So please guide me regarding best methodology which methods and techniques I use to estimate the results of my study.
Your Valuable recommendations are highly appreciated.