I have data on employment by sector by country. When I group variables, sorting by year and creating regions to group countries, I calculate shares of employment. Nevertheless, I get graphs with minor ladders that do not look aesthetic at all (as shown in picture)
A brief summary of my data
694.568793602311 1567.074831947512 163.78478102412575
. . .
2093.9947963347813 3710.199058477801 420.9212512902685
679.0262545674464 2172.450252790796 418.025537968084
1051.7075350079783 1449.504930196869 117.17786841216812
152.86697536745706 269.1704392152408 29.14275093660359
4808.111075419824 8209.659485248976 969.3586086262854
1799.5648291591053 6543.872106033111 1603.248665978112
12637.43634296639 19635.31282983677 2254.324995078528
695.7261438469319 2195.716938495302 379.13944190353146
160.54670399415906 275.5533958640722 31.0378875234776
4781.257726086321 8304.613498797336 1002.2929393339357
1019.3087349909941 1435.239771798723 117.08795575486364
728.5207307242363 1618.554163837318 159.85656876553134
12886.120435490826 20182.66784848404 2325.6384754230567
1835.180985069176 6647.264529822402 1640.9270838315977
Is there any I could fix the ladders?
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