The following is from Suest help file
Example 2: Do coefficients vary between groups? ("Chow test")
. webuse income
. regress inc edu exp if male
. estimates store Male
. regress inc edu exp if !male
. estimates store Female
. suest Male Female
. test [Male_mean = Female_mean]
When I run the above, I get the following
( 1) [Male_mean]edu - [Female_mean]edu = 0
( 2) [Male_mean]exp - [Female_mean]exp = 0
chi2( 2) = 1.79
Prob > chi2 = 0.4082
When I run the following I get different result
. test [Male_mean]edu = [Female_mean]edu
( 1) [Male_mean]edu - [Female_mean]edu = 0
chi2( 1) = 1.62
Prob > chi2 = 0.2035
And then the following
test [Male_mean]exp = [Female_mean]exp
( 1) [Male_mean]exp - [Female_mean]exp = 0
chi2( 1) = 0.28
Prob > chi2 = 0.5959
My question is if I want to test the coefficient difference of education, which one is correct? Is it . test [Male_mean]edu = [Female_mean]edu
Or the first one?
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