I have a latent class model that I'm broadly happy with. I want to be able to say that x% of the sample is in class 1, y % of the sample is in class 2, etc.
Previously I have gotten these summary statistics using:
estat lcprob, nose
Following posts elsewhere on these boards about calculating entropy in these models, I ran
 predict pr*, classposteriorpr
sum pr1-pr4
and noticed these are a bit different from the results for the earlier code, for example, 24% vs 27% in one group.

estat lcprob, nose classposteriorpr
produces results quite close, but not identical to, those produced by the default estat lcprob specification, for example, 27.XYA% vs 27.XYB%.

My reading of the manuals doesn't get me much closer to understanding what predict and estat are doing differently. I'd appreciate 1. guidance on which command I should use to generate summary statistics, and 2. a pointer to anything I can read to make sure I understand this.