I ran treatment effects regression adjustment (-teffects ra-, pomeans aequations) and now I would like to show my outcomes on a graph for each independent variable for each treatment level. I tried to use -coefplot-, however it only produces the graph for ATE, but it omits OME0, OME1, OME2. Is it possible to somehow include coefficients from OME0, OME1 and OME2? I am running out of ideas on how show the results on the graph.
. teffects ra (hrs_wrk age freetime i.children) (drinking), pomeans aequations
Iteration 0: EE criterion = 7.539e-28
Iteration 1: EE criterion = 7.977e-29
Treatment-effects estimation Number of obs = 179
Estimator : regression adjustment
Outcome model : linear
Treatment model: none
| Robust
hrs_wrk | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
POmeans |
drinking |
0 | 38.85177 1.212071 32.05 0.000 36.47615 41.22738
1 | 44.42006 1.402216 31.68 0.000 41.67176 47.16835
2 | 40.5096 2.271167 17.84 0.000 36.0582 44.96101
OME0 |
age | -.055689 .0799825 -0.70 0.486 -.2124518 .1010738
freetime | -1.483116 .2105407 -7.04 0.000 -1.895768 -1.070464
children |
1 | -7.431734 2.452575 -3.03 0.002 -12.23869 -2.624775
2 | -3.816882 3.056354 -1.25 0.212 -9.807225 2.173462
3 | -1.043354 4.37422 -0.24 0.811 -9.616668 7.529959
_cons | 65.70319 5.081277 12.93 0.000 55.74407 75.66231
OME1 |
age | .0613811 .1145897 0.54 0.592 -.1632107 .2859729
freetime | -2.251299 .2885563 -7.80 0.000 -2.816859 -1.685739
children |
1 | -8.214501 2.871082 -2.86 0.004 -13.84172 -2.587283
2 | -1.371941 2.463956 -0.56 0.578 -6.201206 3.457323
3 | -14.1553 3.254043 -4.35 0.000 -20.53311 -7.777492
_cons | 79.75969 6.893783 11.57 0.000 66.24813 93.27126
OME2 |
age | -.3238113 .2116656 -1.53 0.126 -.7386682 .0910455
freetime | -2.291648 .4461459 -5.14 0.000 -3.166078 -1.417218
children |
1 | -5.983617 5.515712 -1.08 0.278 -16.79421 4.826981
2 | 7.429955 6.636461 1.12 0.263 -5.57727 20.43718
3 | 2.613278 4.941786 0.53 0.597 -7.072445 12.299
_cons | 89.04147 12.50658 7.12 0.000 64.52903 113.5539
Thank you!
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