Hello everyone,

Hope everything is well.

I have come across this rather possibly minor problem which I would like to the community to help out with or if the official StataCorp Team can look into it.

I have the following official text below


Over here it we look at the far right side of the image, we see that it starts with a digit (This is correctly displayed in Excel). However, when i merge the contents of this excel file with a Stata dataset, I end up with the following problem:

Everything is fine except, the number which is supposed to be to the starting digit ends up being the last. Can anyone kindly help out in resolving this problem?

I would also like to add here that after merging with my Stata dataset, and when I export the merged data to xlsx, the text displays properly. It is only in Stata for some reason that it appears the way it does.

I hope I was clear in explaining my problem. Feel free to let me know if you require further explanation.

P.S. I used the import excel command to import the excel file before merging