I'd like to add a list of CPI index values to my panel dataset and use them to adjust the values of certain variables for inflation.

1) I obtained annual cpi data (index - below) (www.abs.gov.au) and have imported to a dta file. I'd like to adjust a number of variables in my panel data set (in long format) for waves 1 (2001) to wave 18 (2018), I understand I only need to append the second column (the actual index values), but I'm not sure how to do so that the value for 01jun2001 (73.6) aligns with wave 1, etc.
01jun2001    73.6
01jun2002    75.7
01jun2003    77.975
01jun2004    79.85
01jun2005    81.775
01jun2006    84.4
01jun2007    86.9
01jun2008    89.825
01jun2009    92.625
01jun2010    94.775
01jun2011    97.725
01jun2012    99.975
01jun2013    102.25
01jun2014    105.025
01jun2015    106.825
01jun2016    108.3
01jun2017    110.15
01jun2018    112.275
01jun2019    114.125
01jun2020    115.65
2) As I have a few variables that need to be adjusted for infliation, would it be best to add these to a varlist and apply the adjustment using a loop? And if so, what could this look like? I'm not sure if will affect the code, but for some variables, I only have data in wave 2, 6, 10, 14, 18.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float couple byte wave float(bank super prop)
3131 2 174510  104000  320000
2123 2   9000  330000  450000
4066 2   3750   75000  600000
1733 2   2220   24500  180000
7063 2   3660   37000 1050000
8573 2   4426  405199  280000
5780 2  22750   99520  250000
1361 2     30  134000  250000
  42 2   3500   46500  195000
5478 2  13169  485800  400000
8999 2   4500       0  520000
1869 2 180000    5001  480000
3038 2    700   44000  260000
8155 2   9200    2200   95000
5586 2   7500  252000  250000
4253 2   1920   50000  169706
1290 2   4647   93000  298000
6004 2    800   48000  140000
 564 2   4925   22100  230000
1807 2    226   28000  185000
1678 2   7000 1361787  400000