I am using the following code for my Fuzzy RDD analysis:
Y=outcome variable
R=Running variable relative to a cutoff (Month and year of birth relative to a cutoff)
D=Treatment variable=1 (R>=0) , 0 otherwise
X=covariates (I have globally declared them)
rdrobust Y R aw==perweight, fuzzy(Z) p(0) kernel(uniform) vce(cluster month_year_birth)
eststo clear
eststo OLS: reg Y D R $X if abs(R)<=bandwidth [aw=perweight], vce(cluster month_year_birth) // bandwidth obtained from rdrobust as mentioned above
eststo FIRST: reg D Z R $X if abs(R)<=bandwidth [aw=perweight], vce(cluster month_year_birth)
eststo REDUCED_W_0: reg Y Z R if abs(R)<=bandwidth [aw=perweight], vce(cluster month_year_birth) // Reduced form without covariates
eststo REDUCED: reg Y Z R $X if abs(R)<=bandwidth [aw=perweight], vce(cluster month_year_birth)
eststo TWO_SLS: ivregress 2sls Y (D=Z) R $X if abs(R)<=bandwidth [aw=perweight], vce(cluster month_year_birth)
esttab using "IV.csv", b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) nogaps replace mtitle
All the regressions are clustered based on the month_year of birth
Question 1. For the optimal bandwidth I am using rdrobust command which by default uses symmetric bandwidth (mserd). Using that bandwidth I am generating the above mentioned regressions. Is that right? I am not using rdrobust command with the fuzzy option as it doesn't give me the OLS and the two stage estimates. It only provides first stage and reduced stage estimates.
Question 2: I want to plot the graph for the outcome variable. How do I do that? Can anyone help me with the code?
Question 3: If I use rdplot, then I am getting the following error, even thoigh I have no missing values for the variables used. Can anyone help me on that?
3351 argument has missing values
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