Hi all,
My name is Gráinne Gibson and I am currently doing my masters dissertation on the effect of Single-Sex schooling on adolescents non-cognitive and well-being outcomes in Ireland. I have attached a screenshot of my results and I just want to make sure I have the correct interpretation. If you take the coefficient for the interaction between gender and single_sex gender being 1=female 0=otherwise, my estimated coefficient is -1.1052387. I am wondering if I interpret this as 'attending a SS school in Ireland decreases a student competitiveness by 1.105 percentage points" ? Later I run the predictive margins and see the difference between boys in Single-Sex schools and boys in co-ed and receive a positive and significant coefficient (0.947482) which again I would like to interpret correctly. "Boys in SS schools are on average .0947 more competitive than their co-ed counterparts"? for females, it is negative and insignificant.
I would appreciate any advice
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