Hi everyone,

I am working with a categorical variable called
which expresses the month in which every individual moved into his present address. The categories for the variable are the following:

 Month moved |
  to present |
   address   |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
     missing |      1,822        0.76        0.76
inapplicable |    196,551       82.24       83.00
     refusal |         27        0.01       83.01
  don't know |      1,404        0.59       83.60
     January |      2,204        0.92       84.52
    February |      2,389        1.00       85.52
       March |      2,572        1.08       86.60
       April |      2,764        1.16       87.76
         May |      2,790        1.17       88.92
        June |      3,511        1.47       90.39
        July |      3,690        1.54       91.94
      August |      4,102        1.72       93.65
   September |      5,570        2.33       95.98
     October |      3,933        1.65       97.63
    November |      2,925        1.22       98.85 
   December |      2,732        1.14      100.00
      Winter |          1        0.00      100.00
      Spring |          5        0.00      100.00
   Summer |          2        0.00      100.00
    Autumn |          2        0.00      100.00
       Total |    238,996      100.00
And the corresponding values for every category are the following:

Month moved |
 to present |
  address   |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         -9 |      1,822        0.76        0.76
         -8 |    196,551       82.24       83.00
         -2 |         27        0.01       83.01
         -1 |      1,404        0.59       83.60
          1 |      2,204        0.92       84.52
          2 |      2,389        1.00       85.52
          3 |      2,572        1.08       86.60
          4 |      2,764        1.16       87.76
          5 |      2,790        1.17       88.92
          6 |      3,511        1.47       90.39
          7 |      3,690        1.54       91.94
          8 |      4,102        1.72       93.65
          9 |      5,570        2.33       95.98
         10 |      3,933        1.65       97.63
         11 |      2,925        1.22       98.85
         12 |      2,732        1.14      100.00
         13 |          1        0.00      100.00
         14 |          5        0.00      100.00
         15 |          2        0.00      100.00
         16 |          2        0.00      100.00
      Total |    238,996      100.00
My question is then the following: how can I make it so that more than just one value equals a certain category? e.g. I want to create a label for which the "inapplicable" label is attached not just to all observations equal to -8, but also to observations equal to 13, 14, 15 and 16 (which now are linked respectively to the categories "winter", "spring", "summer" and "autumn"). Also, I would like to do this without having to change the values of observations (e.g. putting every "14" equal to "-8") in order to mantain the integrity of the dataset.

I appreciate any kind of help, and let me know if I was not clear enough!