Hi guys, I have a problem regarding computing fixed effects manually: even if results when I do it manually and when I do it through the "fe command" are similar, they're not the same. I attach a simulated data (ls = satisfaction with life, income, hs_work = hours of work). Sorry for the long piece of code, I don't know how to do it shorter.

input int(wave iid) float(ls income hs_work)
1 112 8  1000    20
1 111 7  1100    25
2 111 .  800        30
2 112 4  2000    15
3 112 7     1246    20
3 111 3     4589    18
4 112 4  2500    24
4 111 4  3000    40
5 112 8  1798    48
5 111 7  3251    40
6 112 8     3425    36
6 111 5  2000    38

xtset iid wave

bysort iid :egen double m_ls=mean(ls)
bysort iid :egen double m_income=mean(income)
bysort iid :egen double m_hs_work=mean(hs_work)

gen double dm_ls=ls-m_ls
gen double dm_income=income-m_income
gen double dm_hs_work=hs_work-m_hs_work

drop m_ls m_income m_hs_work

bysort wave:egen double m_ls=mean(dm_ls)
bysort wave:egen double m_income=mean(dm_income)
bysort wave:egen double m_hs_work=mean(dm_hs_work)

replace dm_ls=dm_ls-m_ls
replace dm_income=dm_income-m_income
replace dm_hs_work=dm_hs_work-m_hs_work

reg dm_ls dm_income dm_hs_work

forvalues i=1/6 {
qui {
drop m_ls m_income m_hs_work

bysort iid:egen double m_ls=mean(dm_ls)
bysort iid:egen double m_income=mean(dm_income)
bysort iid:egen double m_hs_work=mean(dm_hs_work)

replace dm_ls = dm_ls - m_ls
replace dm_income = dm_income - m_income
replace dm_hs_work = dm_hs_work - m_hs_work

sum dm_ls
drop m_ls m_income m_hs_work

bysort wave:egen double m_ls = mean(dm_ls)
bysort wave:egen double m_income = mean(dm_income)
bysort wave:egen double m_hs_work=mean(dm_hs_work)

replace dm_ls=dm_ls-m_ls
replace dm_income=dm_income-m_income
replace dm_hs_work=dm_hs_work-m_hs_work
reg dm_ls dm_income dm_hs_work
Output (summary)

reg dm_ls dm_income dm_hs_work

       dm_ls |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
   dm_income |  -.0000895   .0003102    -0.29   0.780    -.0008048    .0006258
  dm_hs_work |   .0651194   .0593232     1.10   0.304    -.0716802     .201919
       _cons |    .037346   .2231589     0.17   0.871    -.4772595    .5519514

xtreg ls income hs_work, fe

          ls |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      income |  -.0007449   .0005059    -1.47   0.184    -.0019411    .0004513
     hs_work |   .0806055   .0485036     1.66   0.140    -.0340873    .1952984
       _cons |   5.289379   1.874318     2.82   0.026     .8573201    9.721438
Thanks a lot for the help!