Hi have a question about ivreg2. It has been asked before and I have gone through the helpful posts. However I still have one question.

I am using a panel data set with 311 panels spanning a period of 35 years. I want to run a model where the dependent variable (Y) is regressed on a set of controls (X1 X2 and X3) and an endogenous regressor (Z) which needs to be instrumented with two instruments (I1 and I2).

I also want to include interactions of the endogenous regressor with the controls. Going through previous discussions specifically (https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...ble-regression ) I run the following

ivreg2 Y X1 X2 X3 (Z c.Z#c.X1 c.Z#c.X2 = I1 I2 c.I1#c.X1 c.I2#c.X1 c.I1#c.X2 c.I2#c.X2)
My question is that does this syntax automatically indicate that I1 and I2 are the instruments for Z, c.I1#c.X1 c.I2#c.X1 are the instruments for Z*X1 and c.I1#c.X2 c.I2#c.X2 are the instruments for Z*X2?
