
I am working with Stata for the first time and statistics was not my strongest point so far, so I really need your help... I am analyzing (among other things) how team experience and substitutions affect the performance of soccer teams. For this, I analyze the games of 22 teams of the last 10 years Bundesliga. So for each team, there are several data from different seasons. My tutor told me that I should look for fixed effect / mixed effect modeling because I have to consider the influences of the factors seasons and teams. I have now read a lot on the subject and now I think I know that I probably have to work with a multilevel linear regression model, but I do not really know what I have to enter in SPSS so that it works, because I have not yet found an example that uses similar data as I do. Can you help me here? I have attached an example file and hope that you can help me. Array

Thanks in advance!