Hi all,

I've performed a time-series regression loop by using the following code (approximately 250 regressions):
gen sic_2 = real(substr(sic,1,3))
egen SIC_id = group(sic_2)
drop if SIC_id==.
bysort SIC_id: gen no_obs=[_N]
keep if n_obs>50

forval i = 1(1)258{
if inlist(`i', 65,66,67,170,195,232,236,249,250,251) continue
reg WD_WC WCFO_m1 WCFO_0 WCFO_p1 if `i' == SIC_id, r
estimates store reg`i'
where WD_WC means change in working capital, and WCFO_m1, WCFO_0, and WCFO_p1 are past, current, and future cash flows, respectively (model of Dechow and Dichev of 2002).
This gives me all the coefficients of the 250 regressions. However, I want to save their coefficients as 'one'. So, actually, I want to know the mean of these 250 coefficients. Specifically, I want the mean of alpha (the constant), B0, B1, and B2.

Does anyone know how I can do this? I would be really really happy to receive an answer.
