I have the following string values for two variables. I would like to create a local list from Var1 and/or Var2.

input str4 Var1 str3 Var2
"A f" "H O"
"B" "L"
"C" "Z"
"D" "N t"
"E g" "m o"
"F" "a p"
"G" "w"
"" "q"
"" "po"

when I use levels of this is what I get:
levelsof Var1, local(levels)
`"A f"' `"B"' `"C"' `"D"' `"E g"' `"F"' `"G"'

local List1 I desire is:
`" "A f" "B" "C" "D" "E g" "F" "G" "'

levelsof Var2, local(levels) is:
`"H O"' `"L"' `"N t"' `"Z"' `"a p"' `"m o"' `"po"' `"q"' `"w"'

local List2 I desire is:
`" "H O" "L" "N t" "Z" "a p" "m o" "po" "q" "w" "'

The goal is to eliminate manual entry to create List1 and and List2. Instead just grab them from the Var1 or Var2 and create a local list.

Any help would be appreciated.