I am trying to modify the conindex user-written program so as it would calculate indirectly standardized concentration indices as well. However, I get an error 102 "too few variables specified", and I am not sure how to fix it. The option that I have added is [, STvar(varname)]. Below you can find the code. The added code has been highlighted with a red color. I haven't tried to modify the compare option so as it would incorporate the comparison of standardized coefficients. But that would be great too.
capture program drop conindex2 program define conindex2, rclass sortpreserve byable(recall) version 11.0 syntax varname [if] [in] [fweight aweight pweight] , [RANKvar(varname)] [, robust] [, CLUSter(varname)] [, truezero] [, LIMits(numlist min=1 max=2 missingokay)] [, generalized][, generalised] [, bounded] [, WAGstaff] [, ERReygers] [, v(string)] [,beta(string)] [, graph] [, loud] [, COMPare(varname)] [, KEEPrank(string)] [, ytitle(string)] [, xtitle(string)] [,compkeep(numlist)] [,extended] [,symmetric] [,bygroup(numlist)] [,svy] [, STvar(varname)] marksample touse tempname grouptest counter tempvar wght sumw cumw cumw_1 cumwr cumwr_1 frnk temp sigma2 meanlhs meanlhs_star cumlhs cumlhs1 lhs rhs1 rhs2 xmin xmax varlist_star weight1 meanweight1 tempx temp1x sumlhsx temps tempex lhsex rhs1ex rhs2ex sigma2ex exrank tempgx lhsgex lhsgexstar symrank smrankmean tempsym sigma2sym lhssym lhssymstar rhs1sym rhs2sym lhsgsym tempgxstar raw_rank_c wi_c cusum_c wj_c rank_c var_rank_c mean_c lhs_c split_c ranking extwght temp1 meanweight sumlhs sumwr counts meanoverall tempdis temp0 meanlhs2 rhs temp2 frnktest meanlhsex2 equality group lhscomp rhs1comp rhs2comp rhscomp intercept scale stvar local weighted [`weight'`exp'] if "`weight'" != "" local weighted [`weight'`exp'] if "`weight'" == "" qui gen byte `wght' = 1 else qui gen `wght'`exp' if "`svy'"!=""{ if "`weight'" != "" { di as error "When the svy option is used, weights should only be specified using svyset." exit 498 } if "`cluster'"!="" { di as error "Warning: cluster option is redundant when using the svy option. svyset should be used to identify the survey design characteristics" } if "`robust'"!="" { di as error "Warning: robust option is redundant when using the svy option. svyset should be used to identify the survey design characteristics" } qui svyset if r(settings) == ", clear"{ di as error "svyset must be used to identify the survey design characteristics prior to running conindex2 with the svy option." exit 498 } local wtype = r(wtype) local wvar = r(wvar) if "`wtype'" != "." { local weighted "[`wtype' = `wvar']" qui replace `wght'=`wvar' } else replace `wght'=1 local survey "svy:" } markout `touse' `rankvar' `wght' `clus' `compare' quietly { local xxmin: word 1 of `limits' local xxmax: word 2 of `limits' if _by()==1 { if "`compare'"!="" { di as error "The option compare cannot be used in conjunction with by." exit 498 } } if "`compkeep'"=="" local bygroup = _byindex() if "`generalised'"=="generalised" local generalized="generalized" if "`extended'"!="" | "`symmetric'"!="" { di as error "Please see the help file for the correct syntax for the extended and symmetric indices" exit 498 } if "`xxmin'"=="" { scalar xmin=. } else scalar xmin=`xxmin' if "`xxmax'"=="" { scalar xmax=. } else scalar xmax=`xxmax' if "`weight'"!="" { sum `varlist' [aweight`exp'] if `touse' } else sum `varlist' if `touse' return scalar N=r(N) scalar testmean=r(mean) count if `varlist' < 0 & `touse' if r(N) > 0 { noisily disp as txt _n "Note: `varlist' has `r(N)' values less than 0" } if "`rankvar'" == "`varlist'" | "`rankvar'" ==""{ local index = "Gini" } else local index = "CI" gen double `standvar'=`varlist' if "`stvar'" != "" { replace `standvar'=`stvar' local label : variable label `stvar' label variable `standvar' `"`label'"' } gen double `ranking'=`varlist' if "`rankvar'" != "" { replace `ranking'=`rankvar' local label : variable label `rankvar' label variable `ranking' `"`label'"' } gen double `varlist_star'=`varlist' local CompWT_options = " `varlist'" if "`if'"!="" { local compif0="`if' & `compare'==0" local compif1="`if' & `compare'==1" } else { local compif0=" if `compare'==0" local compif1=" if `compare'==1" } forvalues i=0(1)1 { if "`weight'"!=""{ local CompWT_options`i' = "`CompWT_options' [`weight'`exp'] `compif`i'' `in'," } else local CompWT_options`i' = "`CompWT_options' `compif`i'' `in'," } if "`rankvar'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' rankvar(`rankvar')" } if "`cluster'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' cluster(`cluster')" } if xmin!=. { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' limits(`limits')" } if "`v'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' v(`v')" } if "`beta'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' beta(`beta')" } if "`loud'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' loud" } if "`'"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' " } foreach opt in robust truezero generalized bounded wagstaff erreygers svy{ if "``opt''"!="" { local Comp_options = "`Comp_options' `opt'" } } local extended=0 local symmetric=0 local modified=0 local problem=0 if "`truezero'"=="truezero" { if testmean==0 { if `problem'==0 di as err="The mean of the variable (`varlist') is 0 - the standard concentration index is not defined in this case." local problem=1 } if xmin != . { if xmin>0 { if `problem'==0 di as err="The lower bound for a ratio scale variable cannot be greater than 0." local problem=1 } } } if "`generalized'"=="generalized" { local generalized=1 } else local generalized=0 if "`truezero'"!="truezero" { if `generalized'==1 { if `problem'==0 di as err="The option truezero must be used when specifying the generalized option." local problem=1 } else local generalized=0 } if "`bounded'"!="" { if xmax==. { if `problem'==0 di as err="For bounded variables, the limits option must be specified as limits(#1 #2) where #1 is the minimum and #2 is the maximum." local problem=1 } local bounded=1 if xmin > xmax |xmin == xmax | xmin ==.{ if `problem'==0 di as err="For bounded variables, the limits option must be specified as limits(#1 #2) where #1 is the minimum and #2 is the maximum." local problem=1 } sum `varlist' if xmin!=.{ if r(min)<xmin |r(max)>xmax{ if `problem'==0 di as err="The variable (`varlist') takes values outside of the specified limits." local problem=1 } if r(min)>=xmin & r(max)<=xmax{ replace `varlist_star'=(`varlist'-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) } } } else local bounded=0 if "`wagstaff'"=="wagstaff" local wagstaff=1 else local wagstaff=0 if "`erreygers'"=="erreygers" local erreygers=1 else local erreygers=0 if `bounded'==0 & (`erreygers'==1| `wagstaff'==1){ di as err="Wagstaff and Erreygers Normalisations are only for use with bounded variables." di as err="Hence the bounded and limits(#1 #2) options must be used to specify the theoretical minimum (#1) and maximum (#2)." local problem=1 } if (`erreygers'==1 & `wagstaff'==1){ di as err="The option wagstaff cannot be used in conjunction with the option erreygers." local problem=1 } if "`v'"!="" { capture confirm number `v' if _rc { di as err="For the option v(#), # must be a number greater than 1." local problem=1 } if `v'<=1 & _rc==0 { di as err="For the option v(#), # must not be less than 1." local problem=1 } local extended=1 } if "`beta'"!="" { capture confirm number `beta' if _rc { di as err="For the option beta(#), # must be a number greater than 1." local problem=1 } if `beta'<=1 & _rc==0 { di as err="For the option beta(#), # must not be less than 1." local problem=1 } local symmetric=1 } if `extended'==1 & `symmetric'==1{ di as err="The option v(#) cannot be used in conjunction with the option beta(#)." local problem=1 } if (`extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1) & (`erreygers'==1| `wagstaff'==1){ di as err="Wagstaff and Erreygers Normalisations are not supported for extended/symmetric indices." local problem=1 } if (`generalized'==1) & (`erreygers'==1| `wagstaff'==1){ di as err="Cannot specify generalized in conjunction with Wagstaff or Erreygers Normalisations." local problem=1 } if xmin != . { sum `varlist' if r(min)<xmin{ if `problem'==0 di as err="The variable (`varlist') takes values outside of the specified limits." exit 498 } if "`truezero'"=="truezero" { di as txt="Note: The option truezero has been specified in conjunction with the limits option." if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ di as txt=" The index will be calculated using the standardised variable (`varlist' - min)/(max - min)." } else di as txt=" The limits are redundant as the variable is assumed to be ratio scaled (or fixed)." } } if "`truezero'"!="truezero" & `extended'==0 & `symmetric'==0 & `erreygers'==0 & `wagstaff'==0 & `generalized'==0 & `bounded'==0{ local modified=1 if xmin == . | xmax != . { di as err="For the modified concentration index, the limits option must be specified as limits(#1) where #1 is the minimum." di as err="If you require an alternative index, please look at the help file by typing - help conindex2 - to find the correct syntax." local problem=1 } if xmin == . { di as err="For the modified concentration index (the default), a missing value (.) may not be used as the lower limit. " local problem=1 } sum `varlist' if r(min)==r(max){ di as err="The modified concentration index cannot be computed since the variable (`varlist') is always equal to its minimum value." local problem=1 } } if "`truezero'"!="truezero" { if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ di as err="The extended and symmetric indices should be used for ratio-scale variables and hence truezero must be specified also." local problem=1 } } if "`graph'"=="graph"{ if "`truezero'"!="truezero" & `bounded'!=0{ di as err="Graph option only available for ratio-scale variables - please also specify the truezero option if the variable is ratio-scale or the bounded option if the variable is bounded." local problem=1 } if "`wagstaff'"=="wagstaff" | "`erreygers'"=="erreygers"{ di as err="Graph option not supported for Wagstaff or Erreygers Normalisations." local problem=1 } if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ di as err="Graph option not supported for Extended or Symmetric Indices." local problem=1 } } if "`loud'"=="loud" local noisily="noisily" if `problem'==1 exit 498 if `generalized'==1 & `extended'==1 noisily disp as txt _n "Note: The extended index equals the Erreygers normalised CI when v=2" if `generalized'==1 & `symmetric'==1 noisily disp as txt _n "Note: The symmetric index equals the Erreygers normalised CI when beta=2" if "`robust'"=="robust" | "`cluster'"!=""{ local SEtype="Robust std. error" } else local SEtype="Std. error" if "`svy'"!="" & (`extended'==0 & `symmetric'==0) gen `scale'=1 else gen double `scale'=sqrt(`wght') gsort -`touse' `ranking' egen double `sumw'=sum(`wght') if `touse' gen double `cumw'=sum(`wght') if `touse' gen double `cumw_1'=`cumw'[_n-1] if `touse' replace `cumw_1'=0 if `cumw_1'==. bys `ranking': egen double `cumwr'=max(`cumw') if `touse' bys `ranking': egen double `cumwr_1'=min(`cumw_1') if `touse' gen double `frnk'=(`cumwr_1'+0.5*(`cumwr'-`cumwr_1'))/`sumw' if `touse' gen double `temp'=(`wght'/`sumw')*((`frnk'-0.5)^2) if `touse' egen double `sigma2'=sum(`temp') if `touse' replace `temp'=`wght'*`varlist_star' egen double `meanlhs'=sum(`temp') if `touse' replace `meanlhs'=`meanlhs'/`sumw' if `modified'==1 & `bounded'==0{ replace `meanlhs'=`meanlhs'-xmin } if "`graph'"=="graph" { capture which lorenz if _rc==111 disp "conindex2 requires the lorenz.ado by Ben Jahn to produce graphs. Please install this before using conindex2." if "`ytitle'" ==""{ local ytext : variable label `varlist' if "`ytext'" == "" local ytext "`varlist'" local ytitle = "Cumulative share of `ytext'" if `generalized'==1 { if "`ytext'" == "" local ytext "`varlist'" local ytitle = "Cumulative average of `ytext'" } } if "`xtitle'" ==""{ if "`rankvar'" == "" local xtext : variable label `varlist' if "`rankvar'" != "" local xtext : variable label `ranking' if "`xtext'" == "" local xtext "`rankvar'" if "`xtext'" == "" local xtext "`varlist'" local xtitle = "Rank of `xtext'" } if `generalized'== 0{ lorenz estimate `varlist_star', pvar(`ranking') lorenz graph, ytitle(`ytitle', size(medsmall)) yscale(titlegap(5)) xtitle(`xtitle', size(medsmall)) ytitle(`ytitle', size(medsmall)) graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) } if `generalized'==1 { lorenz estimate `varlist_star', pvar(`ranking') generalized lorenz graph, ytitle(`ytitle', size(medsmall)) yscale(titlegap(5)) xtitle(`xtitle', size(medsmall)) ytitle(`ytitle', size(medsmall)) graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) } } noisily di in smcl /// "{hline 19}{c TT}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 19}" _c noi di in smcl "{c TT}{hline 10}{c TRC}" noisily di in text "Index:" _col(20) "{c |} No. of obs." _col(34) /// "{c |} Index value" _col(48) "{c |} `SEtype'" _col(68) /// "{c |} p-value" _col(79) "{c |}" noisily di in smcl /// "{hline 19}{c +}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 19}" _c noi di in smcl "{c +}{hline 10}{c RT}" gen double `lhs'=2*`sigma2'*(`varlist_star'/`meanlhs')*`scale' if `touse' gen double `intercept'=`scale' if `touse' gen double `rhs'=`frnk'*`scale' if `touse' local type = "`index'" if `modified'==1 & `bounded'==0{ replace `meanlhs'=`meanlhs'+xmin } if `generalized'==0 & `erreygers'==0 & `wagstaff'==0{ `noisily' disp "`index'" local type = "`index'" } if `modified'==1 { `noisily' disp "Modified `index'" local type = "Modified `index'" replace `lhs'=`lhs'*(`meanlhs')/(`meanlhs'-xmin) if `touse' ==1 } if `wagstaff'==1{ `noisily' disp "Wagstaff Normalisation" local type = "Wagstaff norm. `index'" replace `lhs'= `lhs'/(1-`meanlhs') if `touse' } if `erreygers'==1{ `noisily' disp "Errygers Normalisation" local type = "Erreygers norm. `index'" replace `lhs'= `lhs'*(4*`meanlhs') if `touse' } if `generalized'==1 { `noisily' disp "Gen. standard `index'" local type = "Gen. `index'" replace `lhs'=`lhs'*`meanlhs' if `touse' } if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ gsort -`touse' `frnk' gen double `temp1'=`wght'*`varlist_star' if `touse' egen double `sumlhs'=sum(`temp1') if `touse' bys `ranking': egen double `sumwr'=sum(`wght') if `touse' bys `ranking': egen double `counts'=count(`temp1') if `touse' gen `meanoverall'=`sumlhs'/`sumw' if `touse' bys `ranking': egen double `temp0'=rank(`ranking') if `touse', unique bys `ranking': egen double `meanlhs2'=sum(`temp1') if `touse' replace `meanlhs2'=`meanlhs2'/`sumwr' if `touse' } if `extended'==1{ capture drop `lhs' capture drop `rhs' capture drop `temp2' gen double `rhs'=((`sumwr'/`sumw')+((1-(`cumwr'/`sumw'))^`v')-((1-(`cumwr_1'/`sumw'))^`v')) if `temp0'==1 egen double `temp2'=sum(`rhs'^2) if `temp0'==1 gen double `lhs'=(`meanlhs2'/`meanoverall')*`temp2' if `touse' & `temp0'==1 local type = "Extended `index'" if `generalized'==1{ local type = "Gen. extended `index'" replace `lhs'=(`meanlhs2'*(`v'^(`v'/(`v'-1)))/(`v'-1))*`temp2' if `touse' & `temp0'==1 } } if `symmetric'==1{ capture drop `lhs' capture drop `rhs' capture drop `temp2' gen double `rhs'=(2^(`beta'-2))*(abs((`cumwr'/`sumw'-0.5))^`beta'-(abs(`cumwr_1'/`sumw'-0.5))^`beta') if `temp0'==1 egen double `temp2'=sum(`rhs'^2) if `temp0'==1 gen double `lhs'=(`meanlhs2'/`meanoverall')*`temp2' if `touse' & `temp0'==1 local type = "Symmetric `index'" if `generalized'==1{ local type = "Gen. symmetric `index'" replace `lhs'=`meanlhs2'*4*`temp2' if `touse' & `temp0'==1 } } `noisily' regress `lhs' `rhs' `intercept' `standvar' if `touse'==1, `robust' cluster(`cluster') noconstant if "`survey'"=="" `noisily' regress `lhs' `rhs' `intercept' `standvar' if `touse'==1, `robust' cluster(`cluster') noconstant if "`survey'"=="svy:" `noisily' svy: regress `lhs' `rhs' `intercept' `standvar' if `touse'==1, noconstant return scalar RSS=e(rss) mat b=e(b) mat V=e(V) return scalar CI= b[1,1] return scalar CIse= sqrt(V[1,1]) if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ `noisily' regress `lhs' `rhs' `standvar' if `temp0'==1, robust return scalar RSS=e(rss) mat b=e(b) mat V=e(V) return scalar CI= b[1,1] return scalar CIse = . } return scalar Nunique= e(N) local nclus= e(N_clust) local t=return(CI)/return(CIse) local p=2*ttail(e(df_r),abs(`t')) noisily di in text "`type'" _col(20) "{c |} " as result return(N) /// _col(34) "{c |} " as result return(CI) _col(48) "{c | }" /// as result return(CIse) _col(68) "{c |} " as result %7.4f /// `p' _col(79)"{c |}" noisily di in smcl /// "{hline 19}{c BT}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 19}" _c noi di in smcl "{c BT}{hline 10}{c BRC}" if `nclus'!=. noisily di in text "(Note: Std. error adjusted for `nclus' clusters in `cluster')" if return(Nunique)!=return(N) noisily di in text "(Note: Only " return(Nunique) " unique values for `rankvar')" if `extended'==1 | `symmetric'==1{ noisily di in text "(Note: Standard errors for the extended and symmetric indices are not calculated by the current version of conindex2.)" } if "`keeprank'"!="" { tempname savedrank gen double `savedrank'=`frnk' if _by()==0 { confirm new variable `keeprank'`compkeep' gen double `keeprank'`compkeep'=`savedrank' } if _by()==1 { gen double `keeprank'_`bygroup'=`savedrank' } } if "`compkeep'"!="" { confirm new variable templhs gen double templhs=`lhs' confirm new variable temprhs gen double temprhs=`rhs' } if "`compare'"!=""{ egen `group' = group(`compare') qui sum `group' if `touse' , meanonly scalar gmax=r(max) noisily di in text "" noisily di in text "" noisily di in text "For groups:" noisily di in text "" noisily di in text "" gen double `lhscomp'=. gen double `rhscomp'=. foreach i of num 1/`=scalar(gmax)' { if "`if'"!="" { local compif`i'="`if' & `group'==`i'" } else { local compif`i'=" if `group'==`i'" } if "`weight'"!=""{ local CompWT_options`i' = "`CompWT_options' [`weight'`exp'] `compif`i'' `in'," } else local CompWT_options`i' = "`CompWT_options' `compif`i'' `in'," qui sum `compare' if `touse' & `group'==`i', meanonly noisily di in text "CI for group `i': `compare' = "r(mean) noisily conindex2 `CompWT_options`i'' `Comp_options' keeprank(`keeprank') compkeep(`i') noisily di in text "" replace `lhscomp'=templhs if `touse' & `group'==`i' replace `rhscomp'=temprhs if `touse' & `group'==`i' drop templhs temprhs } `noisily' regress `lhscomp' c.`rhscomp' i.`group' if `touse', `robust' cluster(`cluster') return scalar N_restricted=e(N) return scalar SSE_restricted=e(rss) `noisily' regress `lhscomp' c.`rhscomp'##i.`group' if `touse', `robust' cluster(`cluster') noisily di in text "" return scalar SSE_unrestricted=e(rss) return scalar N_unrestricted=e(N) return scalar F=[(return(SSE_restricted)-return(SSE_unrestricted))/(gmax-1)]/(return(SSE_unrestricted)/(return(N_restricted)-2*gmax)) local p=1 - F(gmax-1,(return(N_restricted)- 2*gmax), return(F)) /* OO'D made two changes to second df 28.5.14 */ noisily di in text "Test for stat. significant differences with Ho: diff=0 (assuming equal variances)" _col(50) " noi di in smcl "{hline 19}{c TT}{hline 19}{c TRC}" noisily di in text "F-stat = " as result return(F) _col(20) "{c |} p-value= " as result %7.4f `p' _col(40) "{c |}" noi di in smcl "{hline 19}{c BT}{hline 19}{c BRC}" if gmax==2{ disp "Group: `compare'=0" conindex2 `CompWT_options1' `Comp_options' return scalar CI0=r(CI) return scalar CIse0=r(CIse) disp "Group: `compare'=1" conindex2 `CompWT_options2' `Comp_options' return scalar CI1=r(CI) return scalar CIse1=r(CIse) return scalar Diff= return(CI1)-return(CI0) return scalar Diffse= sqrt((return(CIse0))^2 + (return(CIse1))^2) return scalar z=return(Diff)/return(Diffse) local p=2*(1-normal(abs(return(z)))) noisily di in text "Test for stat. significant differences with Ho: diff=0 " _col(50) "(large sample assumed)" noi di in smcl /// "{hline 19}{c TT}{hline 23}{c TT}{hline 17}{c TT}{hline 18}{c TRC}" noisily di in text "Diff. = " as result return(Diff) _col(20) /// "{c |} Std. err. = " as result return(Diffse) _col(44) /// "{c |} z-stat = " as result %7.2f return(z) _col(59) "{c |} p-value = " as result %7.4f `p' _col(79)"{c |}" noi di in smcl /// "{hline 19}{c BT}{hline 23}{c BT}{hline 17}{c BT}{hline 18}{c BRC}" } } } end
Any help would be much appreciated.
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