Hi all,

I want to look at which sectors have a siginificant impact on total trade between two countries.
My dataset has the following format:
Origin Destination Year TotalTrade Sector SectorTrade
EU JPN 1998 1000 0 700
EU JPN 1999 2000 0 300
EU JPN 1998 1000 1 300
EU JPN 2000 100 3 80
EU JPN 2000 100 2 20
EU JPN 1999 2000 4 600
EU JPN 1999 2000 5 1100
EU JPN 2002 100 9 20
EU JPN 2002 100 7 80
TotalTrade is the trade flow in one particular year between one country pair (here EU - JPN).
Sector depicts the sector type and SectorTrade is the trade that is done in one particular year between one country pair, all SectorTrades together for a specific year make up the TotalTrade for that year.

I now want to do a difference in difference estimation where I want to look at how the enforcement of the FTA between EU and Japan has had an impact on the sector trade, but I only want to consider the sectors that make up a significant amount of the trade between the countries.

How can I check which sectors are significant?

Thank you!